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Showing posts from September, 2009

New from insigne: Blue Goblet Florals

The designer-favorite Blue Goblet family has grown with the addition of Blue Goblet Florals. Blue Goblet Florals are flowing and abstract ornaments that resemble foliage or flowers rendered in Cory Godbey’s unique illustration style. More… These fresh and lively foliage inspired ornaments can be resized easily without any loss of quality, and can easily be converted to outlines and modified. These floral ornaments can be combined to form unique compositions or inserted directly into layouts. Please see the sample .pdf to see all 55 floral ornaments in action, and be sure to check out the original Blue Goblet brush script and Blue Goblet ornaments, frames and vignettes. Blue Goblet Florals is a collaboration between insigne Design and Portland Studios.

Twitteroundup Week 36

Design Woman Fired For Causing Disharmony in Workplace by Using Angry Fonts. Just don't do it, folks. Use happy fonts. ...sehr interessant. Inspired by this, I sent in a suggestion to for "Find fonts by what's popular in your area.: MyFonts could use sales data for a specific region or country to generate a custom top 50 list for specific regions. Another possibility would to have “Find fonts by region” with a clickable map of the world. It would be very interesting and engaging for customers to contrast, say Germany with Minnesota, etc. Some nice branding work over at Luxcetera . Plus they made some great type choices for their logotypes. :) Stunning integration of fluid, fashion and fotos by Iain Crawford. via @behance Sennheiser Audio Packaging. Nice. AM Sep 1st from web Love these simple bird prints. Tech First Supersonic Private Jet. 747 - what an beautiful but powerful looking aircraft! Airbus has nothing on Bo...

Twitteroundup Week 35

Design Craigslist makeover mockups. Rodger Federer's Monogram: second after Tiger's. More inspiration from fashion (Bodoni) than sport. via @pentagramdesign 100 Years of Visual Effects. But why is there a 10 year gap between Jurassic Park and Spiderman? So much was done in that period! Some impressive identity work by Momkai for the city of Amsterdam. RT @Behance 8 Years of Great Mac OS X Box Design End In a Clip Art Cat & Bad Kitty! Snow Leopard box photoshopped to remove traces of blood from cat's mouth. Wallpaper comes with blood intact. 35 Logos brilliantly using Negative Space: Negative is Positive RT @Linotype_com RT @graphicidentity. Smiley, Sad & Wink faces: Shouldn’t they be stylized and available on all fonts? RT @Wiltonfoundry African Beach Calligraphy. Done with a specialized scoop. via @Ministryoftype New Kraft cheese packaging. I like it. However, it doesn't feel very 'American.' Humor Papa John gets beloved Camaro back, sold 2 start...